Outpatient behavioral health programs in the South Bay region

Not every patient in need of behavioral health care requires an inpatient hospital stay. Instead, many people receive successful treatment on an outpatient basis. That's why, at Good Samaritan Hospital, we offer multiple partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs. This ensures every patient has access to the specialized care they need.

For more information about our outpatient mental health programs, please call our behavioral health intake team on our Mission Oaks campus at (408) 559-2000.

Outpatient mental health team

Our outpatient mental health programs are provided by a multidisciplinary healthcare team that includes:

  • Addiction specialists
  • Internists
  • Licensed clinical social workers
  • Licensed mental health therapists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Registered nurses

Outpatient mental health treatments

All of our outpatient programs share the same goals: to create an individualized treatment plan and facilitate appropriate discharge planning. By accomplishing these goals, we help patients return to a long-term healthier lifestyle.

Treatment plans will vary for each patient based on their diagnosis and individual needs. While participating in one of our outpatient programs, patients may benefit from:

  • Connection to community support groups
  • Group therapy
  • Psychoeducation
  • Relapse prevention planning
  • Stress reduction technique education
  • Trigger and craving management skill training
  • Weekly family group for patients and their families
  • Weekly medication management meetings with a psychiatrist

Adult intensive outpatient program

The adult intensive outpatient program also serves patients with a primary behavioral health diagnosis. It may be the next step after a patient completes our partial hospitalization program. Similarly, our patients in this program express difficulty in performing day-to-day tasks and experience symptoms such as anxiety and depression.

This program offers structured care but meets for shorter periods of time. Patients may attend our program three to five days a week, depending on their individual needs. We offer care Monday through Friday from 9:00am to noon.

Adult dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program

Our dual diagnosis intensive outpatient program provides continued care for patients with mental health and substance abuse disorders. Our specialists provide dedicated care for patients with co-occurring disorders, helping them with methods of managing triggers and relapse prevention strategies.

Patients in our adult dual diagnosis IOP are treated by addictionologists and chemical dependency counselors. This program is offered three to five days a week, depending on individual circumstances. Patient care is available Monday through Friday from 9:00am to noon.

Older adults program

Older adults have specific behavioral health care needs that should not be ignored and must be treated by specially trained experts. Our older adults program helps these patients who are 65 years old and older and need additional support, resources and clinical care as they deal with aging and mental health concerns.

Patients attend weekly group therapy sessions that focus on stress reduction, cognitive behavioral therapy and coping skills. Additionally, our patients meet with a psychiatrist once a month to assess their need for medications.

Group therapy sessions occur Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 2:45pm. Patients attend one session per week.

Behavioral health support groups

After participating in one of our outpatient programs, we welcome patients to attend our Alumni Aftercare Support Group. The group offers free afternoon and evening meetings for continued support throughout recovery.