About The BEE Award

The honey bee is known for its dedication to others

Like the bee, we have caregivers who dedicate themselves to providing exceptional service and creating a safe, comfortable environment for others.

Caregivers are a vital part of the healthcare team. They partner with all modalities of healthcare to provide competent patient and family centered care to those we serve.

The BEE Award offers a way to recognize them for the remarkable contribution they make.

How to nominate a caregiver

Patients, families, visitors and colleagues may nominate a caregiver by filling out the form below or by filling out and returning a paper form located throughout the hospital.

The BEE Award nomination form

All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

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2022-FW-Good Samaritan Hospital-BEE-PI
The caregiver you are nominating*

Thank you for taking the time to nominate an extraordinary, compassionate caregiver for this award. Please tell us about yourself, so we can include you in the celebration of this award, if the caregiver you nominated is chosen.

Please tell us about yourself

Your name*

How do we reach you?

General Internet communication is inherently not secure. DO NOT send data considered confidential or private in nature on this form. (e.g., Social Security Numbers, Diagnosis Information, Credit Card Numbers, etc.)